
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Here at City Church, missions is in our very DNA! We are committed to passionately proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Savior both at home and abroad, through word and in deed, so that ALL may hear the good news that has transformed our lives! Through ongoing annual support of missionaries and organizations, yearly conventions,  and even regular ministry trips, we are always creating opportunities for our church to support and participate in missions. We also directly participate in local missions in our very backyard, including serving regular community meals and a food pantry.


Yearly international trips

Each year a small group of us have the privilege to travel to a third world country to partner with one of our supported missionaries to serve their local community. If you have a desire to help us serve please let us know who you are.

55 missionaries 

City Church supports 55 missionaries and 19 organizations all over the world. We generously give over $120,000 a year to support those who are putting their lives on the line to spread the gospel.  

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom